Thank you for considering us to sell your item! We sell retail luxury handbags and accessories via our platforms, @JuliaRoseBoston on Ig and our website We accept new and gently worn pieces from premium brands. We sell only what we have in our possession.
Consignment Terms
We will provide an estimated sale price from the photos you submit later in this form. We will send you a suggested sale quote and the address for where to mail your piece(s). It generally takes us up to one week to issue the quote.
Consignment fees:
The price we quote is what we will list the item at and is before any fees are subtracted.
We use a sliding scale based on the estimated sale price:
- $599 or less = buyout offer or $175 fee
- $600 – $1999 = 25% fee
- $2000 – $2999 = 20% fee
- $3000 or $14,999 = 18% fee
- $15,000 or more = 15% fee
Consignors are responsible for additional authentication fees related to their items. Due to rapidly changing market conditions, quotes are only guaranteed for three weeks.
Submission of the same item multiple times, over any span of time, is strictly prohibited. If you need an updated quote, please email in response to the original item. Multiple submissions will result in the lowest quoted price to be listed.
Item condition:
We rigorously authenticate all consignment pieces. There is a $250 charge for the return of non-authentic goods.
Please do not send items with a heavy odor. They will be returned at your expense with a $100 charge.
Items should be consistent with the quality of the inventory shown on our feed.
Shipping your item:
If a label is not provided, shipping the item to us is at your expense.
Provided labels are uninsured and we are not liable in the case of loss or damage.
We accept shipments from all major carriers. Insurance is at your discretion.
When shipping your item(s), please include this completed form and the quote we sent you, so we know whom the item is from.
We suggest that you attach the shipping label to the top corner so that it does not overlap the box seam. Including a copy of the label inside the package is also good practice.
Please do not use packing peanuts.
Please wrap the item for safe transit. This includes tucking any chains under the flap and stuffing the body of the bag if it is fragile or prone to structure loss.
Please declare the full value of your item for international shipments. Customs duties or postage costs that we incur are your responsibility.
Selling approach:
Items generally take 1-3 weeks to be intaked and posted. We will market them in a way that we feel will best promote sales. This may include unboxings, removing of plastic on hardware/strap, product photos, videos, outdoor photography, styled photos and on-the-body modeling. Items will also be featured in a curated selection on our website.
Return consignment:
We make every effort to only accept items that we believe will sell quickly. If after 90 days, the item has not sold, you can request for it to be returned at your expense. A $175 fee will be applied if this request comes before the 90 day period to cover time spent photographing and marketing. However, if you want your item back within the first 30 days of us receiving your item, the fee will be $300, within 30-60 days, the fee is $225. Items will be shipped within 14 days of us receiving the label. If an item is far from the condition described in the submission and a return is requested, the fee will still apply.
We will send payment for sold items via PayPal within seven to 14 business days. To ensure a prompt payment, navigate to your consignment account, select the PayPal payout method and add your PayPal email. We are only able to send to personal PayPal accounts. If you add a business account, there will be an automatic fee that is taken out from PayPal.
In our care:
We accept full responsibility for your item while it is in our possession. Your item will be kept in a clean, safe, secure, pet and smoke-free environment that is fully insured. We assume financial responsibility for any damage.
By submitting this form you are agreeing to the stated terms. You also agree that to the best of your knowledge, the item(s) are 100% authentic and were lawfully purchased/obtained.